We exist to facilitate partnerships for the gospel, the church, and the Word.

The Great Commission Fellowship (GCF) is a hub for individuals and organizations working towards the integration of church planting, church strengthening (i.e. theological education), Bible translation, and Christian publishing.

  • The GCF is free to all users and accessible as an app and via the web.

  • It provides tools for project management and collaboration, including calendaring, document sharing, task management, group chat, and a bulletin board to post updates, ideas, and requests (e.g. prayer, personnel, etc.).


Find like-minded partners and labor together.

Whom will you find in GCF?


Translation Teams

Translation teams use GCF to recruit translators, translation consultants, project managers, exegetical advisors, and post their project briefs and team’s profiles for donors.

Pastors & Missionaries

Sending and supporting churches use GCF to partner, train, send, build teams, or support others working as translators, evangelists, church planters, theological educators working at the intersection of Bible translation, church planting, and church strengthening


Educators use GCF to collaborate with others on curricula and programs that train exegetes, missionaries, pastors, and translators.

Publishers & Bible Societies

Publishers and Bible Societies use GCF to collaborate with others on printing, publishing, and distribution, to help leaders in younger churches to author or translate creeds, confessions, catechisms, songs, theological resources, and other Christian literature.

What if you could find likeminded partners to labor with in spreading the gospel, establishing churches, training church leaders, translating Scripture, and publishing Christian literature?

The Great Commission Fellowship is funded and managed by

Bible Translation Fellowship

BTF welcomes donations to keep GCF running